Modules Description


INSAN HRMS Payroll Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline payroll processes efficiently. It automates payroll calculations, tax deductions, and employee salary management. With robust reporting features, it provides insights into payroll expenditures and employee compensation trends. Its user-friendly interface ensures ease of use for HR professionals. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with other modules within the INSAN HRMS ecosystem for enhanced HR management capabilities.


The INSAN HRMS Personnel Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline human resource management processes. It offers a centralized platform for overseeing employee information, including personal details, qualifications, and work history. With intuitive features, it simplifies tasks such as employee profile management and data consolidation. This module facilitates efficient decision-making by providing quick access to essential employee data. Overall, INSAN HRMS Personnel Module enhances organizational efficiency and enables effective personnel management.

Time & Attendance

INSAN HRMS Time & Attendance Module offers a robust solution for tracking employee work hours accurately. It automates timekeeping processes, reducing manual errors and ensuring payroll accuracy. With features like biometric recognition and mobile clock-in options, it provides flexible attendance tracking methods. The module also generates comprehensive reports on attendance patterns and absenteeism, aiding in workforce management decisions. Integrated seamlessly with other HR modules, it enhances overall efficiency in managing employee time and attendance.

Mobile App (Android & iOS)

The INSAN HRMS Mobile App provides employees and managers with convenient access to HR functionalities on the go. It offers features such as leave requests, attendance tracking, and accessing payroll information anytime, anywhere. With an intuitive user interface, it ensures ease of navigation and usage. The app enhances communication between employees and HR departments through instant notifications and updates. Moreover, it promotes productivity by empowering employees to manage HR-related tasks efficiently from their mobile devices.

Employee Self Service

The INSAN HRMS Employee Self Service Module empowers employees with direct access to their HR-related information and tasks. It enables employees to view and update personal details, such as contact information and emergency contacts, autonomously. Additionally, employees can request leaves, submit expense claims, and view their payroll details conveniently through the self-service portal. With intuitive navigation and user-friendly interface, it enhances employee satisfaction and reduces HR administrative burden. Moreover, it fosters transparency and accountability within the organization's HR processes.

Manager Self Service

The INSAN HRMS Manager Self Service Module empowers managers with tools to efficiently handle HR tasks independently. It allows managers to initiate and approve various HR processes such as leave requests, performance evaluations, and employee transfers. With intuitive interfaces, it simplifies access to employee data and organizational policies, promoting informed decision-making. Additionally, it facilitates seamless communication between managers and HR teams, enhancing collaboration and productivity. Integrated with other modules, it provides a comprehensive solution for effective HR management at the managerial level.


The INSAN HRMS Helpdesk Module is a versatile tool designed to streamline employee support processes efficiently. It offers a centralized platform for handling HR-related inquiries, requests, and issue resolutions. With ticketing systems and automated workflows, it ensures prompt and organized response management. This module also allows for tracking and analyzing support metrics to optimize service delivery. Integrated with other HR modules, it enhances overall HR service delivery and employee satisfaction.

Task Management

The INSAN HRMS Task Management Module efficiently organizes onboarding, offboarding, transitioning, and miscellaneous tasks within an organization. It provides a centralized platform for creating, assigning, and monitoring tasks related to employee lifecycle events. With customizable prioritization and deadline settings, it enhances productivity throughout HR processes. Real-time updates and notifications ensure seamless coordination during various tasks. Integrated with other HR modules, it optimizes workforce management.

Time Sheets

INSAN HRMS Time Sheet Management Module simplifies the tracking and management of employee work hours. It provides a user-friendly interface for employees to log their time worked accurately. Managers can easily review and approve time sheets, ensuring payroll accuracy and compliance. With customizable reporting features, it offers insights into labor costs and productivity trends. Seamlessly integrated with other HR modules, it streamlines workforce management processes.

Expenses Management

The INSAN HRMS Expenses Management Module simplifies expense tracking and reimbursement processes within organizations. It offers a user-friendly interface for employees to submit expense reports seamlessly. With customizable approval workflows, it streamlines the approval process and ensures compliance with company policies. Detailed expense analytics provide insights into spending patterns and help in budget planning. Integrated with payroll systems, it facilitates accurate reimbursement calculations and reduces administrative burdens.


INSAN HRMS Recruitment Management Module offers a comprehensive solution for managing the recruitment process. It streamlines candidate sourcing, screening, and hiring with customizable workflows. The module enables HR professionals to track applicants, schedule interviews, and collaborate with hiring managers seamlessly. With integrated communication tools, it facilitates effective candidate engagement and feedback collection. Moreover, it provides insightful analytics to optimize recruitment strategies and improve hiring outcomes.

Training & Course Management

INSAN HRMS Training & Course Management Module offers a versatile platform for organizing and tracking employee training programs. It streamlines the process of course creation, registration, and completion tracking. With features for assigning training materials and assessments, it ensures comprehensive learning experiences. Real-time progress monitoring and reporting empower HR to assess training effectiveness and address skill gaps effectively. Integrated seamlessly with other HR modules, it facilitates holistic talent development within the organization.

Job Description & Skills Analysis

The INSAN HRMS Job Description and Skills Analysis Module facilitates comprehensive job description creation and skills assessment within organizations. It offers a centralized platform for drafting detailed job descriptions and identifying key competencies required for each role. Through skill analysis tools, it evaluates employees' competencies and identifies skill gaps for training and development initiatives. This module enables HR professionals to align job requirements with organizational goals effectively. Integrated seamlessly with other HR modules, it enhances workforce planning and talent management strategies.

Document Generator

The INSAN HRMS Document Generation Management Module simplifies the process of creating and managing various HR-related documents. It offers templates for standard documents like offer letters, contracts, and policies. With customizable options, users can tailor documents to meet specific organizational needs. Integrated with data sources, it automatically populates documents with relevant employee information, reducing manual effort and errors. This module ensures compliance with regulations by maintaining accurate and up-to-date documentation. Its user-friendly interface streamlines document generation tasks, enhancing HR efficiency.

Performance & Evaluation

The INSAN HRMS Performance & Evaluation Module provides a comprehensive solution for managing employee performance and assessments. It facilitates the creation of performance goals, evaluation criteria, and feedback mechanisms. With customizable review cycles and metrics tracking, it ensures alignment with organizational objectives. Real-time insights and analytics empower HR professionals to make informed decisions regarding talent development and retention strategies. Integrated seamlessly with other HR modules, it enhances overall workforce productivity and engagement.

Employee Development

The Employee Development Module enhances performance by defining and attaching goals to employees, who then track activities related to these goals. It allows employees to log additional activities and receive feedback from managers and peers. During evaluations, both goal-oriented and extra activities are reviewed, ensuring a comprehensive performance assessment and alignment with organizational objectives.